Trois Chansons de Charles d’Orleans - Claude Debussy (1862-1918)
Repertoire - Quant j’ai ouy le tabourin
The soloist with the lovely voice is Beth Dahl

The 1975 Austin Minnesota High School Choir
Director: Richard Larson
Herb Streitz Recording    Waseca, MN
Recorded on 33 1/2 rpm vinyl    Digitized by site owner using CoolEdit

This is Windows MediaPlayer - if you see a start and stop button then you can immediately push it and the song will play as it downloads - best option for modem connection to the Internet This is the Quicktime player - best if you have a cable modem or dsl - watch the download progress in the bar indicator.
 If the song skips during the 1st playing let the whole song play and then run it again - the skips will disappear  If the song skips just hit stop then run it again and it won't skip -there is a volume control at the extreme left of this control

Quant j’ai ouy le tabourin

Quant j’ai ouy le tabourin
sonner pour s’en aller au may,
en mon lit n’en ay fait affray
ne levé mon chief du coissin
en disant: il est trop matin
ung peu je me rendormiray:
Quant j’ai ouy le tabourin
sonner pour s’en aller au may,
jeunes gens partent leur butin;
De non chaloir m’accointeray
A lui je m’abutineray.
Trouvé l’ay plus prouchain voisin
Quant j’ai ouy le tabourin
Sonner pour s’en aller au may,
En mon lit n’en ay fait affray
ne levé mon chief du coissin.


When I hear the tambourine

When I hear the tambourine
sound, calling us to May,
in my bed I remain calm,
not lifting my head from the pillow
saying, "It is too early,
I’ll fall asleep again."
When I hear the tambourine
sound, calling us to May,
the young jump from partner to partner
not even bothering to remember you.
From him, I’ll move on,
finding a lover that’s conveniently close by.
When I hear the tambourine
sound, calling us to May,
in my bed I remain calm,
not lifting my head from the pillow.



If you reached this page from a search engine, other works can be heard at Here