Vere Languores Nostros - Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548-1611)
Sung in Latin - a cappella
The renaissance "motet" denoted a setting for unaccompanied voices of sacred Latin text. All four voice parts - soprano, alto, tenor, bass - sing the same words.

The 1975 Austin Minnesota High School Choir
Director: Richard Larson
Herb Streitz Recording    Waseca, MN
Recorded on 33 1/2 rpm vinyl    Digitized by site owner using CoolEdit

This is Windows MediaPlayer - if you see a start and stop button then you can immediately push it and the song will play as it downloads - best option for modem connection to the Internet This is the Quicktime player - best if you have a cable modem or dsl - watch the download progress in the bar indicator.
 If the song skips during the 1st playing let the whole song play and then run it again - the skips will disappear  If the song skips just hit stop then run it again and it won't skip -there is a volume control at the extreme left of this control

Vere Languores Nostros

Vere languores nostros
ipse tulitEt dolores nostros
Ipse portavit ipse portavit
Cujus livore sanati sumus
Dulce lignum
Dulce clavos
Dulcia ferens pondera
Quae sola fuisti digna
Regem coelorum
Et Dominum Et Dominum

Literal translation:

Our failings he has truly taken upon himself
And our sorrows he has borne
By his wounds we have been saved
O sweet wood, O sweet nails that bore this sweet burden
You alone were worthy to support the King of heaven and Lord



If you reached this page from a search engine, other works can be heard at Here