Monday Jan 31, 2000 (The day of the surgery)
I got Lasik eye corrrection surgery at about 8:30 am fropm St Paul eye clkinic. I paid $3034 for
bopth eyes. I had one valuim bablet
first 5 minutes not hurt to open eyes
Hourt to open eyes on way home - teary couldnt open eyse sting
stayed up late night before - tht an val9um gelped me to sleep from 9:30 3:30 woke up no more stinging. Cant see blury
have to lean in to monitor to write this. supposed to be bettewr 1 2 days.
Using two kinds of drops plus have artiificial tears if need. Dorve to video stoe
to return movies without glasses. Some halo around streatlights and car headlights.
probalby 300% of lights - could live with that if vision sharpesn.
Addendum: I typed the above the same day as the surgery - you can see
that I could NOT see clearly. The procedure itself went quickly. The valium
definitely helps.
Like most people, I was concerned that I might look away from the red
light. There was a quick flash of pain when they put the "eye opener"
on my left eye, but it was momentary. The nurse said lots of people
report pain with the left but not the right. Its weird when
your eye is open but you can't see - this happens for a short period while
they make the flap. I remember them putting a drop in my eye
after the flap was cut. My focus was pretty bad, the drop reflected
the bright light and looked like a huge atom with electrons flying
around it. Neat. I asked Dr. Rice if I every took my eye off the
red dot and he said no.
Tues Feb 1 (1 day post Lasik)
Woke up but couldn't see clock clearly from 15 ft. Its like the lighted digital numbers are
smeared together - I can make out the time but it takes some thought. I'm older(42), so it's supposed
to take more time to see clearly. At the doctors today I have 10/30 vision. They gave me a
pair of cheap reading glasses to use - that's how I can type this. Otherwise
I can't read the paper or see the computer screen. Street lights have big hairy halos around them.
like on a really foggy night.
I have used
glasses since 3rd grade, about 32 years ago, I should be happy I can see this well without them.
But you get spoiled with 20/20 from glasses and contacts. I am not bummed out yet - I know
that it is going to take a while. I can drive safely, but can't read all the smaller signs. It's the end
of a long day and my eyes are pretty tired. I have been putting in the anti-swelling and anti-infection
drops four times today, plus the artificial tears a few times.
I went to the Eye Doctor and now I am farsighted.
Wed Feb 2 (2 days post Lasik)
Woke up and still cant' see the clock as clearly as I would like. I had the feeling as I left for work
that maybe this was a mistake. I broke my cheap reading glasses while walking into work -
the act of putting my keys in my coat pocket. I could see the 17" computer screen at work
without the reading glasses, but scrunching up my eyes to do it was more than I could bear for
long. I have the sensation that my contacts have been in my eyes too long, or that I need to
put my glasses on to see clearly. My eyes kind of ache. I am keeping up with the drops. If I
think about it, I do see pretty good for a guy blind as a bat all his life. I am telling myself to be
patient and see how good my vision can get. My best vision seems to be while driving and with
my sun glasses on. Still, I can't read all but the largest signs until I get close to them.
Thur Feb 3 (3 days post Lasik)
Vision still blurry. It feels like my contacts have been in too long. I had 20/20 vision with my
glasses and it feels funny not to see well. I can drive a car okay but I don't read smaller signs
until I get close to them. The lighted digital clock has "hairy" numbers, I can make it out but
it's not instantly clear what time it is from 15 feet.
Fri Feb 4 (4 days post Lasik)
I have the sensation that I am staring past the things that I want to see. My eyes no longer feel like I have
had my contacts in too long. I have been using all three kinds of drops regularly. Went to the Minnesota Timber wolves professional basketball
game, sat in the lower level, and had a couple of flashes where I saw very clearly. I had trouble making out the player names.
I could make out Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura's face clearly though. He has season tickets and sat maybe 15 yards away from us.
Sat Feb 5 (5 days post Lasik)
To focus my eyes to see clearly I have to "look hard" at things and that causes discomfort. I have decided that part of the problem is that a haze
exists within my vision. I seem to remember this in the documentation I
Sunday Feb 6 (6 days post Lasik)
I can read the computer screen as well with my +3.0 reading glasses as with just my eyes. This makes
me feel pretty good. I didn't have to wear glasses to read before Lasik, I wouldn't want to have to wear them as
a result of having had it.
Monday Feb 7 (1 week post Lasik)
The Eye Clinic let me sneak in and get my vision measured. It
appears in the chart at the top of the page. I am less farsighted than
the day after Lasik. My right eye is 20/30, but actually I had trouble
focusing and it should probably be 20/40. The left eye actually focused
in better, although really good vision came in and went out. I was
struggling to read one line from the eye chart, and suddenly the line
below it came into sharp focus, then in the space of a few seconds went
away. I am having a mild "contacts in too long" feeling, and there is
a slight haze and blurriness, but I am typing this without reading
glasses and having no problems. If my vision keeps improving I will
be pretty happy. Today the lighted cable box display 15 feet from my bed
was on the number "5" - I was pretty confident it was "5" but there was
a hint of "6" to it. Lighted numerals on digital clocks and cable
boxes have what amounts to a rectangular box around them larger that
the numeral display. I hope that's a good description for you. I have
trouble making out the "EXIT" signs at the end of long corridors at
work. Its very nice to get up in the middle of the night to check on
my kids and not fumble around for glasses. This may well turn out
Tues/Wed Feb 9 & 10 (9 & 10 days post Lasik)
I was kind of alarmed to notice that my left eye seems really
blurry. I cover my right eye and read things 15 feet away so much
clearer than with my left eye. I can't even make things out with the
left. Thinking about it, it's the case that
my right eye has improved so much, not that the left has gotten worse.
Idiot. I can read the newspaper and use the computer without even
thinking about using the reading glasses.
Feb 17 (17 days post Lasik)
My eyes feel pretty good most of the time. Just in the
last few days I lost that feeling that I had a contact in.
I still don't read smaller signs well while driving around.
My nine year old can read a sign on a store about 100 yards
away that I cant. The cable remote lighted display 15 feet from my bed is
pretty clear in the morning, It's still a little fuzzy but
there is no doubt what the numbers are.
Feb 22 (22 days post Lasik)
Surprise surprise - I have 20/20 vision! Had an eye exam today
(see the table at the very top). I could read the second line
from the bottom of the eye chart right away with my right eye.
With a little bit of staring I could read the bottom line.
With the left eye I could read the second from the top right
away, but the next three lines were fuzzy. I stared some and
suddenly the next line came into focus, stared some more and
got the second from the bottom, and I'll be darned eventually
I could read the bottom line.
Dr. Rice said that dryness in the eye can cause that "blurry
suddenly can see" phenomenon. I have had periods in the last
few days where my eyesight has been spectacular. I have been
thinking about it. The world is no longer "framed" by my
glasses - I see my whole range of vision. I see best when I
am outside with sunglasses on. I guess now its a matter of
time for the occasional blurriness to give way to 20/20 sight.
Next week: Jamaica!
Mar 7 (36 days post Lasik)
Went to Jamaica last week. It sure was nice to sit
out in the sun and go in the pool and run around and
not have to worry about glasses or contacts. My vision
generally is pretty good. Some of the blurriness I
still experience has dissipated. I see fine detail
Mar 21 (50 days post Lasik)
I have forgotten that I ever wore glasses. How quickly that
happened! My eyes don't get dry very often. When I need to,
I can stare at things and get sharper vision. I am glad I had
this done now instead of waiting.
June 30 (151 days post Lasik)
It's been quite a while since I added to this Lasik diary.
That should indicate I never even think of it. I consider
myself fortunate. My wife is going to have it done next
January. I will get my eyes checked in December 2000.
December 26, 2000 (330 days post Lasik)
My final eye check is posted in the table at the top of this page.
My final vision is 20/20. I have some halo'ing at night, but
not enough to cause any problems. I have heard of others who still
had to wear glasses after having this surgery, or have had to
use reading glasses afterwards, but I can only say my experience
with Lasik has gone very well. The good news is the price will
only go down.