Rocket Fuel party just kind of happened. People in the dorm
would announce they were having a party, but usually this
would mean just a few friends without tests the next day would
show up (except for somebody like Teddy Night Life - this
freshman showed up one fall and for the first quarter partied
late every single night - needless to say, there was no
second quarter for TNL). My room mate and I decided to make
a conscience effort one Friday night to throw a party in
our room. The drawing card? - ROCKET FUEL. We dreamed it
up ourselves.
We tried to use strong yet flavorless alcohols - lots of rum
and tequila is all I recall. The secret was no water - just cans
of Five-Alive and other juices. This was no mere "Whopatooee",
my friends.
Stoa donated his "beer
sphere" (a round plastic vat for making beer) to hold the fuel.
We mixed 'her up, tasted it, refined it, then were open for
business. The wimpy partiers of today don't begin a
party until late. Back in the old days, 'ya know, we would
start at seven. We kept warning people that the drink was really
really strong. We couldn't be everywhere, could we? Most people
didn't seem to suspect something so sweet and smooth could be
so utterly alcoholic. The
bottom line is within an hour of the party opening the dorm
bathrooms contained persons of both sexes puking their guts
out. It tasted so smooth and was so sweet people drank it much
too fast. There was only one Rocket Fuel party. Ever.