had something like the 20th highest lab grade in my electronics
class. This was in a class of a couple hundred students. So I wasn't
too anxious about the final. I worked for the Mechanical
Engineering department. Professor Wang's office was in the
basement. At 7:00 a.m. I was the first person to see the final
grades posted on his door. My grade was an "F". I was in
shock. I waited until about 7:30 a.m. for him to arrive. As
he put his stuff away I explained that I couldn't figure out how
I had flunked his class. He gave me a stern lecture about what it
takes to become an engineer. Well screw you buddy, I already have
one engineering degree, but I didn't tell him that.
He handed me my test and got out the key. It was ten problems
each worth twenty points. I flipped to the middle of the exam
to a page with no marks on it. I showed it to him. He got very
defensive -
only he and two grad students were available to grade several
hundred exams: mistakes were bound to happen. He compared
my answers to the key and I got something like eighteen points.
While he calculated my new grade, I continued to look through the
test. Just as he announced, "You have a "D", I found another
mistake. My answer columns were named "B bar" and "A", the
key listed them in reverse order. I had just listed them in different
order than the key listed them. He checked down the columns
and I got more points.
Now I had a "C". Grateful not to have flunked, I left. What
the else did this guy and his mind-numbed assistants miss
on my test? I should have kept looking until I got an "A".
Professor Wang told me to check outside his door after noon to make sure
my grade change was posted correctly. At noon
I came back to find my grade changed to a "C". There was also
a note from the Professor to all his students: "NO ONE MAY
When I first started at the University I approached my chemical thermodynamics
teacher, a Professor Mead, after taking the final. I was bummed out because I was
sure I had flunked. He told me to make sure to check my final
grade. Of course I did.
I got 18 out of 100 and a "C" for the course. It was always like
that. Mostly incomprehensible theoretical bullshit where 20-40
out of 100 on your bluebook was good. Hey, plenty of pretty
smart folks got zero's. I had a few of those. To this day,
after getting arguably the two hardest engineering degrees from
the University of Minnesota, I have what amounts to combat
fatigue. I would crack up if I had to take a test. I am not
kidding. Yes, I do get that dream every once in a while where
you have to take a final exam but never went to class all quarter.
"I can't believe I didn't go to class even once!" I dream to myself.
Todd was a pretty smart guy in our dorm. The first quarter of
school he had blown off his calculus class. He was failing going
into the final. He studied really hard, took the final, but when
he went to check his grade for the quarter his was
not posted. On the grade sheet was an ominous note that
the teaching assistants wanted to see him. They asked him how
his quarter in calculus had gone.
Todd admitted he had partied too much and skipped
lots of class and missed assignments and tests, but said he studied
like he never had before to pass the final. Did he pass? Yup -
his PERFECT final gave him a final grade of "C". But, the
T.A.'s told him, they were giving him an "A" for the quarter, and
he better not ever fall so far behind in a class again. I don't
think he did.
This professor Mead from the Chemistry department taught several more
classes I took. He taught one in the Space Science
lecture building (God, is that the right name?). There were two
sinks in either end of a large flat top bench that ran the entire
length of a four or five panel blackboard. There were maybe 250
people in this large sunken lecture hall. During lecture, he would walk slowly
to one end of the bench, tighten the faucet handles, swing the long
neck of the spigot, walk down to the other end, tighten the faucet
handles, swing the spigot, etc.
One day, he started lecture and put his hands on a faucet. He
immediately put his hands at his sides - and kept them there for the
lecture. Immediately one person seated in the last row next to the doors
began to lose his composure. The volume
of suppressed laughter increased
as he made his way through the
swinging doors at the top of the lecture hall - I saw him
crawl out the doors on his hands and knees. Outside the
doors he could contain himself no more and his hysterical laughter
made everyone turn and look up toward the doors.
This guy put Vaseline on the faucet knowing Mead would
grasp them and get it all over his hands- what a
My friend Dave and I had professor Mead for another class.
The class was televised to points outside the University. We
sat in front of a television console with a monitor in it.
We saw the same TV picture the remote site saw.
Professor Mead was balding. We would turn the contrast way
down, and then turn adjust the vertical hold until the screen flipped up
very fast. The head movements of our instructor back and forth
while writing on the board, combined with our monitor settings, made
it look like a U.F.O. was flying dipping and turning across our screen.
We pointed this important information out to others.