hunting is something I do. I enjoy it, it makes me
think of my dad, it lets me get out and see the countryside.
I don't shoot deer, because you see, I won't clean a deer - to
much 'stuff'. I will clean a pheasant, however. One is profoundly aware that you
have ended the life of a creature when you have to clean it.
If you find dressing the bird distasteful then don't hunt.
like that you shoot only the males. Since roosters have
harems of hens, most roosters don't get into the gene pool anyway.
Hey - if I couldn't get any, shoot me too!
When you are younger, pheasant hunting can be kind of boring.
It entails lots of walking around, or driving around with
very little happening. When you are a kid, you crave
excitement. When you are an adult, you crave tranquility.
Pheasant hunting entails that tranquility with some occasional
high energy excitement mixed in.
If you object to hunting, tough. That alfalfa sprout
you ate for lunch died screaming for its mother - you just
were too insensitive to hear it poodle walker (oops -
poodles were once bred as hunting dogs - sorry for the painful