Not much of a shot. This gizmo allows skaters to skate full speed in
real hockey skates. It is a training aid. The guy did get going full
speed. It was amazing that he didn't wipe out.
Now we are in the art building. Lots of paintings in many categories.
I liked the 3-D nature of this painting.
Again, just a picture I liked.
A good view of the art gallery.
Pronto pups are hot dogs covered in a corn batter and then deep fried.
Margaret urged me to get a closer picture of a transaction.
We are passing the area where the workers who run the rides and man
the midway booths stay. These folks are commonly called "Carnies".
This is Machinary Hill. It used to be filled with huge farm machines that
kids would climb on. Now the State Fair has changed so much that
no farm machinery is even brought to Machinery Hill.
The American flag flies on Machinery Hill.
This, to me, is the defining moment of each State Fair - late in
the afternoon on the final weekend, just look at the huge crowd stretching
off into the distance. This is a side street, in a short while we will
see the view down a longer avenue.
A scene in front of the Grandstand.
We are still in front of the Grandstand.
Margaret and I got free purple bandanas from St. Thomas college -
Margaret is wearing hers on her arm.